Freeway Lights
Elisa And The Sun
Alleyway Men
Lindsay And Maisy
NYC Water Tanks
Elisa And The Fridge
Main Street Flushing
72nd Street Subway
Rockefeller Center
Bridge Over Creek
NYC Subway Station
Stick And Weeds
Beach Birds
Timmy And Greg In The Sun
Moonlit Manlit Clouds
Bryant Park Birds
Crossmen Practice
Rail Birds
Plane Wing
Down On Buildings
Wheelbarrow Backyard
Maisy Shadow
I started this year off with a bang. During the early spring I began printing like mad, most prints displayed here are from that highly successful prolific period. During the summer I began work on developing old version of this website, and in the fall created a few more exceptional prints. The successes of this year were due to my previous 3 years of working and learning gum bichromate. I finally knew what I was doing.